Conveyor Systems Built From the Ground Up
Conveyor solutions for power generation, C&D handling, coal ash, aggregates and other conversions
Established crews across the U.S. have experience in constructing and operating facilities for refined coal systems, C&D handling, ash and aggregate conversion, and alloy additive feeding. Varied types of heavy-industry mechanical conveyor systems can be designed and built to meet exact specifications. Each conveyor system is designed and built from the ground up. We can provide feasibility studies and follow through to the field-erected systems. Control and automation are built in to support every constructed system. For immediate attention, please call: (440) 350-7460 Industries: Aggregates | Cement | Chemicals | Coal | Mining | Power | Steel

Trusted Partner of Conveyors Etc.

Aggregate Handling

Alloy Handling

Coal Handling

Alumina Processing
Featured Products
Aggregate Handling
Limestone or coal recovery from “open pit” mining processes. Stockpiles are built for each material to transport either by overland conveying or by loading out unit trains for final delivery to the coal fired power generating station. These can be operate at the source or for utilities far away.
Alloy Handling
Transport systems from truck/rail/barge to these process systems. This includes receiving and transferring to storage and then “pre-weighing” ahead of transporting. Provides batch holding hoppers near each such that these hoppers can be “pre-loaded” and then discharged on demand by the pulpit operator.
Coal Handling
Refined Coal Systems enable Utilities to take advantage of IRS tax credits available for refining coal. These systems remove coal from the belt conveyors downstream and convey the coal thru a mixing process to remove NOx and Mercury before carrying the crushed coal to the boiler bunkers.
Alumina Processing
Complete systems to process wet alumina from outside the U.S. into granular grade alumina for use by American refineries. Complete process set up for mechanical conveying, drying, and granularized processing. The product is conveyed to long term storage via Super Sacks, bulk pneumatic transport trucks, railcars.