Full Surface Rehab or Spot Repairs: Prevent Costly Inflow and Infiltration
Tenacious Adherence to Practically Any Substrate – Wet or Dry
Specialty sealants for spot repairs and full surface rehabilitation to prevent costly inflow and infiltration through masonry, brick and concrete surfaces in wastewater treatment, power, pulp and paper, and steel industry facilities. Typical applications include manhole walls, benches and channels, tunnels, sewer lines, tanks, dikes, dams, wet wells, lift station and pump station surfaces. Wm.Neundorfer provides guidance on combining these sealants with other coatings and corrosion control products for a complete solution. For immediate attention, please call: (440) 350-7460 Industries: Agricultural | Automotive | Cement | Chemical | Coal | Food & Beverage | Mining | Petrochem | Power | Refractory | Steel | Transportation | Wastewater
Trusted Partner of Sauereisen
Coatings and Corrosion Control

Featured Products
Manhole ChimneySeal
Manhole ChimneySeal F88 is an elastomeric lining used as a chemical-resistant membrane or gasket seal for the prevention of water infiltration. It maintains excellent elasticity and adhesion over a temperature range of -30°F to 250°F. The flexible barrier resists freeze/thaw stress. When subjected to mechanical stress, the lining has nearly 100 percent recovery. Manhole ChimneySeal also resists alkalis, salts, and acids.
SewerSeal is a water infiltration barrier for wastewater collection systems. It combines 100% calcium aluminate cement with finely graded inert aggregate for corrosion resistance to mild acids and alkalies. Seal and resurface deteriorated masonry and concrete structures. Moisture tolerance helps application in manholes, wet wells, lift stations, and pump stations. Exhibits high strength to withstand loads on underground infrastructure.