Underlying Substrate Repair for Infrastructure Integrity
Specialized Solutions From Minor Patching to Extensive Substrate Repair
Underlying structural integrity can be as important to the infrastructure as surface protection. We offer a line of substrate repair materials to complement our chemical and corrosion resistant coatings and linings. From minor patching to extensive substrate repair, these concrete-based solutions meet industrial needs in wastewater, power, chemical processing, food and beverage, steel, and pulp and paper settings. Variations are available for cast, trowel. and gunite application. Wm.Neundorfer provides guidance on combining these substrate repair materials with other coatings and corrosion control products for a complete solution. For immediate attention, please call: (440) 350-7460 Industries: Agricultural | Automotive | Cement | Chemical | Coal | Food & Beverage | Mining | Petrochem | Power | Refractory | Steel | Transportation | Wastewater
Trusted Partner of Sauereisen
Coatings and Corrosion Control

Featured Products
RestoKrete Underlayment
RestoKrete Underlayment is a fast-setting, high early strength, Portland/calcium-aluminate based resurfacing material available in three formulations: Trowelable, Castable or Gunite, for application on vertical, horizontal, or overhead surfaces. Mix with potable water for a safe, easily applied, fast-setting solution. Quick set allows fast turnaround.
RestoKrete Substrate Resurfacer
RestoKrete SubstrateResurfacer is a high-strength substrate repair material designed for economical repair where deterioration is greater than small voids, bug holes and irregularities in concrete or brick substrates. It forms a water-resistant barrier proven in many types of brick and concrete structures in various industries, including wastewater environments.