
Chemical Resistant Refractories: Properties and Applications

Chemical Resistance refractories play a crucial role in various industrial processes where materials are exposed to aggressive chemicals and/or extreme heat. These refractories are specifically designed to withstand the corrosive effects of acids, alkalis, molten metals, and other harsh substances encountered in industrial applications. [...]

What are Wastewater Lining Systems?

Wastewater lining systems are a crucial component of wastewater structures used in municipalities and industry. Wastewater structures contain aggressive chemical environments that must be kept protected against the corrosion that can be caused by the material they contain. Wm. Neundorfer & Co. works with municipalities [...]

2023-02-10T14:43:27-06:00Categories: Product Highlights|Tags: |

Five Must-Have Features of Planetary Mixers

Ensuring the correct mixture can mean the difference between a high-quality end product and an inferior one.  This is why choosing the correct planetary mixer is critical.  If the mixer cannot produce high quality product while keeping up with the demands of your process, [...]

What Are Polymer Concretes and Three Types to Know

Polymer concretes can be found in many industrial structures such as pump pads, trenches, chimney foundations, process floors, and more. They provide the durability of concrete with an added chemical resistance that makes them corrosion resistant while still providing a long service life. William Neundorfer [...]

Manhole Restoration: Choose the Right Lining for Your Environment

When restoring manholes or other municipal wastewater environments, choosing the correct protective lining can be daunting. With multiple linings available for multiple types of environments, understanding which lining should be used is key. Through our partnership with Sauereisen, Wm. Neundorfer & Co. helps clients decide [...]

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